Having done a Greek version of this recipe in the summer of 2012, winter is the perfect time for me to show you a completely vegan version of this dish, inspired by cold, beautiful goddess Marena, and the cuisine of cold cold Mother Russia!
You’ll need a big pot for cooking this dish, which serves at least 3.
Red onions - 4 or 5 large
Garlic 🧄 - 4 or 5 HALF bulbs
Cooking oil - about 3 tbsps
- big’uns, if you can get them! But 6 regular round ones are okay.
Leek - 2 stalks (optional)
Shredded carrot
and shredded broccoli 🥦
(these are not very Russian, but also totally optional - I only got some, because the only way I could buy shredded carrot in the supermarket without the extra effort, was to get it as part of a pre-made vegetable medley) Include peas, if you see fit
Sauerkraut - Roughly same amount as garlic or shredded broccoli
Bistro salad 🥗 - 1 pack - any regular pack of salad with beetroot in will do!
Extra beetroot is optional, but make sure to chop, shred or blend it til it’s in very fine pieces.
Cannellini Beans - 2 tins
Red Kidney Beans - 1 tin
Flatbreads, pittas, or anything similar.
Prep (approx 40 minutes):
Start by chopping your garlic, until you have just halved cloves.
If you can do this with professional chef techniques, try keeping those half bulbs together, chopped through the middle, but stripped as much as possible.
If you can’t manage that, then just chop each individual clove in half, and then strip off all the remaining skin. Chop them through a few more times, if you prefer to keep your garlic chunks small.
Peel and wash the onions, and slice them quite thick.
Throw them in the pot with the garlic and your oil, and sweat on a medium heat.
When they’ve got enough water with them, simmer and add 10-20 ml extra water.
Chop your tomatoes into thick slices or big chunks, and add them to the pot. Remember to stir, to make sure nothing gets too hot!
Peel, wash, and chop all the good bits you can get out of your leek stalks, and add to the pot.
Turn up the heat to medium again. When the mix is wet and bubbling, add your carrot and other vegetables. It’s best to make the salad leaves and beetroot one of the first things that you add, in this stage. The sauerkraut can be left til last, and don’t be afraid to let a little vinegar slip in there!
Finally, drain and add your Cannellini and kidney beans, all in one go! Mix them in well, so they can cook properly.
Turn the heat down, add about a half tsp of salt, a generous helping of pepper and mixed herbs if you’ve got them handy - in fact, don’t be afraid to experiment with whatever sauces you think might liven up the mixture!
Leave for about 20 minutes on the low heat, covered, and draining off excess water that condenses on the lid of your pot - the whole mixture won’t need it!
Once it’s become a thick paste, your flatbread filling is ready!
Add butter or margarine to taste.
Enjoy with a good vodka!
приятного аппетита!
- That’s Russian for “Bon appetit!”
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